4.2. Molai’s Kathoni | English | Marathi Medium | Class 6

2. Find answers to the following questions from the passage :

(1) What terrible sight did young Molai see ?

    ANSWER: Molai saw terrible sight of thousands of snakes laying dead on the sandbar.

    (2) What did many of Forest Department people and village elders advise ?

    ANSWER: Many of Forest Department people and village elders advised Molai not to waste time in growing trees.

    (3) What trees did Molai plant at the beginning ?

    ANSWER: At the beginning Molai planted bamboos.

    (4) Apart from the saplings, what else did Molai carry to the island ?

    ANSWER: Apart from saplings Molai carried good soil, heaps of ants and different of grasses to the island.

    (5) What other things came to the island with the trees ?

    ANSWER: The other things that came to the island with the trees were birds, insects, animals. The animals unknowingly brought many more seeds with them and thus came different forms of life.

    (6) How much area does Molai Kathoni cover today ?

    ANSWER: Molai Kathoni covered an area of about 1500 acres.

    (7) What do the elephant visits show ?

    ANSWER: The elephant visits show that the whole forest is in very good condition.

    (8) What hardships did Molai suffer on the island ?

    ANSWER: Molai had to face may hardships like working in heavy rains and scorching heat, opposition from the people, guarding the forest from stealing and killings by poachers.

    (9) What did the elephants destroy ?

    ANSWER: On their way to the island the elephants destroyed the rice fields and huts.

    (10) What does Molai keep for his own living ?

    ANSWER: Molai keeps cattle for his own living.

    (11) What is Molai’s message to the world ?

    ANSWER: Molai’s message to the world  is : Each one of us should plant and grow at least two trees.

    3. Write short notes on the following.

    1. The Brahmaputra:

    The Brahmaputra River is a majestic river that flows across three countries i.e. Bangladesh, China, and India. It originates from the Himalayas bringing with it life-giving water. Its plentiful flow allows a variety of flora and animals to flourish along its banks. Even though there are irregular floods situations during rainy seasons, people have constructed dams and bridges to utilise its force. The Brahmaputra improves the lives of individuals who live close by serving as a symbol of strength and beauty.

    2. Molai Kathoni

    Molai Forest is the another name for Molai Kathoni. It demonstrates the amazing coexistence of humans and environment can have. It was developed solely by a local environmentalist named Jadav Payeng. Jadav in the 1970s began planting trees on a sandbar in the Brahmaputra river in India. Over time his efforts turned the once-barren area into a lush forest spanning more than 1,360 acres. Elephants, rhinoceros, and tigers are among the many species of flora and fauna that call Molai Kathoni a home today. It serves as classic example of the effectiveness of individual effort in combating climate change and preserving the biodiversity of our planet.

    3. Elephants come to Molai Kathoni

    It is a touching sight to see elephants visiting Molai Kathoni, the woodland that Jadav Payeng has fostered. This rich habitat provides comfort and sustenance for these great creatures, who are lured to it by the abundance of plants and water supplies. Their presence serves as a testimony to the effectiveness of Payeng’s conservation initiatives and shows how planting new trees may provide critically needed habitats for threatened animals, such as elephants. The elephants’ contributions to the thriving ecology while they wander freely around Molai Kathoni serve as a reminder to us of the significance of protecting these natural havens for all animals, big and small.

    4. The world comes to know about Molai Kathoni

    The inspiring tale of Jadav Payeng introduced the world to the wonders of India’s Molai Kathoni forest. The world took notice of his decades-long commitment to planting and caring for trees on a desolate sandbar in the Brahmaputra River by himself. As word of this incredible achievement spread, Molai Kathoni came to represent environmental preservation and peace between humans and nature. Payeng’s tale exemplifies the enormous influence one individual can have on promoting biodiversity and changing landscapes, encouraging people all across the world to take action to protect the natural legacy of our planet.



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